Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more


    Exactly a week has passed since New Year's eve, and we've finally wrapped our head around the fact that it's again time for fresh starts. But before we really kickstart the New Year, we'd like to take a brief second to mark down the key moments for us from 2015. Thank you for believing in Click & Grow and helping us experience these big moments. Happy New Year!

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015
    Indoor gardens News

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015

  •  Click & Grow Dwarf Basil for Smart Herb Garden plant test


    The Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden is definitely the most utilized one in our HQ. Basically, 70% of plants growing there are something new, that're not out there yet. And it seems to be one of the most popular ones amongst the Click & Growers all over the world as well!

    A Sneak-Peak Into Our Plant Tests: Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden
    Gardening and plants News Plants

    A Sneak-Peak Into Our Plant Tests: Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden


    We're in need for someone like our Smart gardens - geeky, analytical and advanced.

    You'd be given the chance to improve Click & Grow's online presence at all levels. As an important member of our team you'd be working alongside with our marketing department and our development partners.

    We are looking for an online marketing manager!
    Indoor gardens News

    We are looking for an online marketing manager!


    Click & Grow has enabled people to successfully grow edibles, flowers and decoratives without watering, fertilizing, repotting, seeding etc. But we also want to make the geeks and the experimenters happy. The ones that believe that growing anything should be effortless. And here is our answer to those people - the seedless Experimental Plant Capsule. Get any seeds you want from the gardening store, put them in your Experimental Plant Capsule, click it in your Smart Herb Garden and see the magic happen. As easy as that.

    Smart Herb Garden now grows anything you want
    Gardening and plants Indoor gardens News

    Smart Herb Garden now grows anything you want


    As a Click & Grow family member, we're sure that you also aim to be a part of change, a part of the future. Especially when it comes to one of the most quintessential components of the survival of human race - food. So besides working on making new future-of-food products for you, we always try to partner up and meet with people and brands who are on the same path. This is why in April 2015, we packed up 270 Click & Grow special-edition Smart flowerbeds with rosemary, and went on a quest to Milan to make the Estonian pavilion (CNN actually named it to be as one of the most impressive designs) of EXPO Milano 2015 even smarter and definitely greener.

    Click & Grow feeding the planet at EXPO Milano 2015
    Indoor gardens News Sustainability

    Click & Grow feeding the planet at EXPO Milano 2015


    We all have been waiting a long time for a new product launch. But even the Click & Grow team did not fully believe that the next launch after the Smart Herb Garden is going to be this big, this revolutionary, and this futuristic... until today.

    This is our biggest launch EVER. The launch of the future.
    Indoor gardens News

    This is our biggest launch EVER. The launch of the future.

  • Crazy news, fellas - we are building a 5 km2 (53,000 ft2) underground thermonuclear cucumber "factory" where fresh vegetables for the entire state of California will be grown at a fraction of the current price! The plant will be constructed outside Reno, Nevada and located near the Tesla Gigafactory. The plant will feature a novel energy source relying on thermonuclear fusion.


    Click & Grow is taking first steps towards growing food on Mars
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens News

    Click & Grow is taking first steps towards growing food on Mars