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Meet Heelika, Our Sales Specialist

Meet Heelika, Our Sales Specialist

office manager

Say hello to our Sales Specialist, Heelika! Here’s how she describes her path to Click and Grow:

“The fact that after my studies I ended up in a company that’s related to plants and nature is not

surprising at all. When I was little, I spent most of my time playing outdoors, especially during the summer break. After every school year I looked forward to horseback riding camps and sports camps. Working outdoors, taking care of animals, just walking or hiking is what I love to do. And indoors I enjoy reading; my favorites are crime novels.

In university I studied social and cultural anthropology. It’s a very fascinating discipline about cultures and humanity. After my studies, I found my way to Click & Grow where I started my journey in the customer support team. While working in support I learned all about our plants, worked together with different departments, and interacted with our customers. So overall, it was the best team to start my Click & Grow career in! Now I’ve moved to the Sales team and I’m a Sales Specialist.”

Which aspect of working at Click & Grow do you enjoy the most?

My colleagues. Everybody is always ready to create and improve. The people we have are

passionate and supportive; it’s wonderful to work with you all!

What are some of the most important things you’ve learned at Click and Grow?

To be patient with nature. Even the smallest flower in the garden could grow to be the tallest one later on.

What is your favorite place in nature?

Absolutely adore pine forests! They’re usually easy to walk through and the smell is therapeutic.

What’s the biggest plant you’ve seen / most amazing plant you’ve had a chance to meet?

My colleagues gave me a Marimo moss ball and it’s awesome.

marimo moss ball

Name a song that cheers you up every time

Friends theme song, "I'll Be There for You". It’s impossible not to sing along.

How many houseplants do you have?

We have one windowsill where we keep our smart gardens and some separate pots with fruiting flowers. Besides that, about 15 houseplants here and there to keep our home cozy.

What’s your favorite plant to grow in a Smart Garden?

I always keep at least one fruiting plant in our smart gardens because I like pollinating and seeing how the small fruit starts to form. Also, my adorable dwarf hamster loves fresh salads, so some romaine lettuce or green salad is a must. 

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