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Meet Mart, our CEO!

Meet Mart, our CEO!

Mart, CEO of Click & Grow


Meet Mart, our new CEO! Mart has been leading Click and Grow since September, and he's excited about this recent change in his career:


"I am definitely the odd-one out at Click and Grow - I have never worked in a company that produces actual physical products and I've never worked in a small company where everybody knows each-other. My background is banking where I worked for more than 20 years in different roles both in the Baltics and Sweden. As with all good things - me ending up in Click and Grow was a lucky chance. I was on a sabbatical and was asked if I could help out as an acting CFO for a few months. One thing led to another and the rest is history as they say. I don't have hobbies in a true sense of the word, but I like sports - tennis, skiing (both, downhill and X-country), biking (rather off-road than road). I also like cooking and this is where Click and Grow comes in handy - these days I'm growing most of my herbs in a Click and Grow garden. Super handy."


Which aspect of working at Click and Grow do you enjoy the most?


For me there are 2 dimensions when considering a job - is it interesting? (is there an intellectual challenge?) and do I click with the people I would be working with. Click and Grow ticks both boxes for me - it's a rapidly developing segment and we (Click and Grow) are the trailblazer in this field so nothing boring or "maintenance" here. And the team is super - the amount of talent and drive, but also caring and warmth makes it a great team to be part of.


What are some of the most important things you’ve learned at Click and Grow?


I've been at Click and Grow for a short time only so I'm sure the learnings will come. This area is developing so rapidly that you learn something new every week. It is all very exciting and interesting and has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone.


What is your favorite place in nature?


There is no one place - that's what is special about nature - its variety and constant change - I love the Estonian marsh as much as the African desert or the rainforest.


Mart skiing


What’s the biggest plant you’ve seen / most amazing plant you’ve had a chance to meet?


Since I have not been to Australia to see the Poseidon’s Ribbon Weed then it would have to be Sequoia. No pictures though, you have to take my word for it :-)


Name a song that cheers you up every time


Don't have a specific song, so I would have to go with INXS or if we want to do more local then Genialistid.


How many houseplants do you have?


Excluding my Click and Grow, 2.


What’s your favorite plant to grow in a Smart Garden?



Cilantro in Smart Garden 3


Grow the freshest,tastiest herbs any time of year

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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