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5 Nutritious Plants With Names You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

5 Nutritious Plants With Names You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

When it comes to indoor gardening, nothing compares to the excitement of discovering new plants to grow. Today we’ve listed 5 underrated plants that can completely transform your everyday meals. All of these can easily be grown in your smart indoor garden. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or simply looking for some new ingredients to try, you won’t want to overlook these!  

1. Shungiku

Shungiku means “spring chrysanthemum” in Japanese. It's a well known leafy vegetable in Asian cuisine. Originally found in the Mediterranean and parts of Europe and northern Asia. Now it's commonly grown in the highland tropical regions of South-East Asia, China, Japan and smart indoor gardens! Shungiku’s aroma and flavour are very different from what you'd expect from an edible green. It could be described as a cross between celery and carrots but with an astringent, fresh aftertaste. Great for using with stir-fried dishes or winter hot pots. Enjoy each bite knowing it’s rich in vitamins A, B and antioxidants.

Shop Shungiku Plant Pods



2. Bloody Sorrel

Bloody sorrel’s unique tangy taste can be used to flavour soups, stews and sauces. It also makes a delicious addition to any salad, pasta or lunchtime sandwich. Its distinctive red veins add to the plant’s visual appeal and compliment the name “bloody” as the juice of the plant often has red pigmentation. Bloody sorrel is a natural source of vitamin C and several B vitamins as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants.

Shop Bloody Sorrel Plant Pods



3. Mibuna

Originally from a Japanese town called Mibu where it has been grown for centuries, mibuna is an edible green with a gentle mustardy flavour. It can be used in a variety of cooked dishes or simply enjoyed raw in baby leaf salads. Why not add some of its fresh leaves to a hearty winter soup? Mibuna is a natural source of vitamins A and C as well as dietary fiber, calcium and iron.

Shop Mibuna Plant Pods



4. Mountain Savory

As its name suggests, this is the herb from the mountains that will soon become one of your favourite cooking ingredients for savoury dishes. Its flavour is peppery with a unique blend of thyme and mint. It can be cooked with beans, meats, sauces and almost any meal in need of a piquant kick. It doesn’t lose its flavor when cooked, making it perfect for slow cooked dishes too. Enjoy mountain savory knowing that it's a natural source of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants.

Shop Mountain Savory Plant Pods



5. Red Frill Mustard

Red frill mustard is a Japanese heirloom cultivar that is not widely available at all. The name refers directly to its deeply serrated feathery leaves that are full of flavor and juicy at the same time. It boasts a strong, peppery flavour that will delight lovers of spicy food. Mustard leaves are extremely rich in vitamins K, A and C and an excellent source of essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and manganese. Your salads will never be the same again.

Shop Red Frill Mustard Plant Pods

Grow the freshest,tastiest herbs any time of year

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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