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Brand new Click & Grow

Brand new Click & Grow


Today, we’re overjoyed to be unveiling the new look and feel for the Click & Grow brand. As we celebrate our 15th anniversary this October, we’re taking this opportunity to modernize and refresh our visual identity—here’s to 15 more amazing years!

In this post, we’ll share the key intentions and considerations behind the rebranding decision and the outcome you see today. To fully experience our new look, explore it through our channels and products. Check out our redesigned website, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn pages, and stay subscribed to our newsletter.


A vision for the future of Click & Grow

A lot has changed since Click & Grow launched 15 years ago. Back then, the indoor gardening market was in its infancy, driven by tech-savvy early adopters curious about this new type of gadget.

Today, both we and our community have evolved. We’ve grown from a Kickstarter gadget to a global community-driven brand that aligns with a broad range of lifestyles.Indoor gardening is now better known, more widely embraced, and appealing to those who value the softer aspects of plant care: The aesthetic and atmospheric impact plants can have on a space, and the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from growing healthy plants.

In 2024, we revisited our company vision to reflect this natural shift toward the emotional and sensory value of plants. We redefined our vision to focus on “bringing the peace and joy of nature into everyone’s life.”

With today’s new brand identity, we’re starting down the path of bringing that vision to life, and setting the stage for the next era of plant experiences from Click & Grow.


Looking the part

When developing a brand identity that represents our vision for the future, we followed one guiding principle: the Click & Grow brand should be inviting and exciting. We wanted to better reflect the beauty and diversity of the plants our users grow, rather than focusing on the hardware they use.

To us, inviting means warm, friendly, and inclusive. Exciting means bold, strong, and aspirational. We wanted to bridge the gap between the simplicity, history, and heritage of human’s relationship with plants, and a modern, dynamic, and fun brand that fits into the homes and discourses of 20- and 30-somethings.

We did this by leaning into nostalgia and tradition in some brand elements, while leaning into contemporary aesthetics and boldness in others. Check out a few examples of the results below.


There’s much more to explore as you dive into our channels and see the new brand identity in action!


The next era of indoor gardening

As we close one chapter and open the next, we’re excited to celebrate the community that brought us here. In 15 years of building a community of plant lovers, you have collectively grown over 10,000,000 plants all over the world. You have been a guiding force, and we are grateful to enter this new era with you—one focused on growing and supporting houseplants in a natural, unobtrusive, and joyful way.

Grow the freshest,tastiest herbs any time of year

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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