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8 Awesome Nature Books to Read With Your Kids

8 Awesome Nature Books to Read With Your Kids

Imagine this... You’ve had a fun afternoon with your kids, harvesting and planting new pods in your Click & Grow Smart Garden. In the evening you enjoy a healthy family meal featuring fresh herbs you’ve grown together. Now it’s bedtime and a perfect opportunity to read a fun book with your kids. Here are a few favourites that are bound to capture their imagination and get them dreaming about a greener world!

Books to read with 2 - 5 year olds

1. The Curious Garden 

By Peter Brown

A heartwarming story about a boy who wants to make the world a greener place. He decides to take care of a struggling garden and, over time, this garden grows and completely transforms a dull, grey city. A beautifully illustrated book that introduces kids to important environmental themes.


2. The Little Gardener

By Emily Hughes

A charming story to capture the imagination of young minds. A tiny gardener has a garden that means the world to him. Despite being small in stature, he perseveres to tame gigantic weeds and clear away litter from his property. His hard work is eventually rewarded. A peaceful, inspiring tribute to the work that goes into a flourishing garden.


3. The Tin Forest

By Helen Ward, illustrated by Wayne Anderson

You and your kids will find yourselves cheering for the little old man in this story who longs for a greener environment. Featuring incredible illustrations, this book tells of how he transforms his bleak home filled with old scrap metal into the luscious forest he’s been dreaming of. A great book for helping children see the value in green surroundings.


4. City Green

By DyAnne, illustrated by DiSalvo-Ryan

This is a well loved classic about an abandoned lot that was transformed into a beautiful garden for the community. We also see how a young girl gains the support of her neighbors to make this dream a reality. This book also tends to resonate with older kids, partly because they can see similarities in the story with their own communities. The author and illustrator do a great job in conveying the value of urban gardening.


Books to read with 5+ year olds

5. Backpack Explorer: On the Nature Trail: What Will You Find?

By Editors of Storey Publishing

This book is a unique, interactive field guide for young explorers. A fun way to spark curiosity about being outdoors and seeing what you can discover in nature. It encourages kids to get involved in some outdoor, hands-on learning. Your young ones may want to take this book everywhere they go!



6. This Is Our World: A Story About Taking Care of the Earth 

By Emily Sollinger, illustrated by Jo Brown

An entertaining, interactive introduction to keeping the earth clean. Important topics such as recycling and reducing pollution are covered in an engaging, interactive way using puzzle pieces. It’s also a great educational resource for teachers looking to add some vibrant, interactive books to their libraries.



7. Not For Me, Please! I Choose to Act Green

By Maria Godsey, illustrated by Christoph Kellner

A very well told story about a boy called Luke who proactively helps the environment. After noticing the damage done to the environment by waste and trash, Luke decides to make changes and invites the reader to join him on his journey. The book covers topics such as recycling and reducing waste using everyday examples that kids can relate to.


8. Earth Day Every Day

By Lisa Bullard, illustrated by Xin Zheng

Earth Day officially happens once a year but this book makes a case for why it should be every day! The story follows Trina, who plants trees with her classmates. Together with her friends, she forms an Earth Day club. This book helps kids think about the part they can play to protect the planet. 


To learn more about what we believe in, visit us at Discover how our self-growing gardens make it possible to eat sustainably by growing tasty, vitamin-rich food at home. No additives, no food miles, no pollution, just wholesome food straight from your garden to your plate. 

For further reading, check out our blog post: 

12 Amazing Nature Books You’ve Probably Never Heard of


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Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.
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