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Growing Greens for the First Time

Growing Greens for the First Time

We live in an age of amenity. As a society we seem to develop environments and processes that disconnect us from nature. Convenience is king. Is it any surprise our food habits are going the same way?


Availability of food

As little as 10 years ago many of us will remember certain fruits or herbs being unavailable locally. These days, however, the variety of produce in local grocery stores can be astounding. Stock is rapidly replenished. Quite often, though, the goods we find in stores have travelled a great distance before they reach the shelves. Fruits and vegetables are harvested early and the journey to the store can expose them to pollution. Once they reach the store, they rarely taste fresh.

We believe a very worthwhile alternative is growing your own food. Fruits and vegetables can be harvested when they are ready, meaning they will be fresher and more nutritious. Growing your own food also comes with the assurance that your fruits and vegetables are free from additives.


Growing in challenging climates

When growing greens indoors, it’s worth remembering that each plant is unique and prefers certain temperatures in which to grow. This means it may be difficult for certain plants to grow in particular climates. One of the amazing aspects of Click & Grow’s Smart Gardens, however, is that they allow you to grow almost any plant indoors, wherever you may be. It’s incredible to think that the following can now be added to your list of plants to grow indoors:

Wild Strawberry

Many community members in Singapore have mentioned how rare it is to find Strawberries growing in their country. Singapore’s tropical climate makes it difficult to cultivate these plants. Using their Smart Gardens, however, many Singaporeans have found success in growing strawberries indoors.

Green Lettuce

Another plant which can be challenging to grow in warmer climates. This is due to Green Lettuce being particularly heat sensitive. If, however, you are able to generate an indoor room temperature of 18 to 22°C, you have the chance to grow Green Lettuce indoors using your Smart Garden.

Chili Pepper

While not necessarily being a difficult plant to grow, Chili Peppers may take longer to cultivate in colder climates. Chilis particularly enjoy warmer temperatures. Increasing your room temperature to 26℃ can speed up the germination process. With higher temperatures, Chilis produce a higher concentration of alkaloids, leading to an even spicier taste.


A small miracle

If you have never grown your own plants before, why not start today? It really is a fascinating experience. Watching a small, seemingly helpless seed sprout into a fully grown plant is as incredible as it is mysterious. In a sense, watching your plants grow becomes a small labor of love. You develop a healthy sense of pride and ownership over them. Finally, being able to eat and enjoy your home grown produce is an incredible feeling.

Head over to for more indoor herb garden ideas  and to learn about our desire to make the most essential, fresh, vitamin-packed food available for everyone.

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