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Introducing Our New Plants, Mibuna & Plain Parsley!

Introducing Our New Plants, Mibuna & Plain Parsley!

We’re delighted to have added 2 new plants to our collection - Plain Parsley and Mibuna!

Here’s a quick overview of these must-have plants:


Originally cultivated in ancient Japan and admired for its beautiful, slender leaves. Mibuna’s gentle mustardy flavour lends itself perfectly to a variety of dishes and is bound to thrill your guests. It grows impressively quickly.

Mibuna v Mizuna

Mibuna is sometimes confused with Mizuna, a similar leafy vegetable originating in Japan. Mizuna’s leaves appear somewhat jagged, whereas Mibuna’s leaves are more spear-shaped. While Mibuna has a  mustardy flavour, Mizuna is known for its piquant, slightly peppery flavour.

Health benefits

In addition to its delicious flavour and versatility, Mibuna is great source of antioxidants. It also contains vitamins K, A, C, and E, as well as Copper, Manganese, and Calcium.

How to use it

Add some fresh leaves to a hearty winter soup or mix with a stir-fry. Best of all, enjoy mibuna in baby leaf salad mixtures where its flavour can really stand out.

For more info and to order yours, click HERE

Plain Parsley

Also known as ‘Italian parsley', this herb is perfect for cooked mediterranean dishes. Its luscious leaves possess a bright, herbaceous flavour and they'll add a green sparkle to your dinner plate.

Plain Parsley v Curly Parsley

Curly Parsley has ruffled leaves and is commonly used to decorate dishes. Plain Parsley is more widely used in cooking and possesses a slightly stronger flavour.

Health benefits

Parsley is a great source of vitamins C, B, 12, K as well as antioxidants. This makes it especially great for detoxifying smoothies.

How to use it

Smoothies are just the start. You can enjoy this herb in virtually any savoury dish. Use it in soups, fresh salads, sauces, or meat dishes.

For more info and to order yours, click HERE

Have fun growing your very own Mibuna and Parsley in a Smart Garden 3 or Smart Garden 9. Savour each taste with the knowledge that your plants contain no GMOs or pesticides - fresher than any store bought plants.

Check out our blog for valuable features such as green living tips, ways to create sustainable homes, the importance of food safety, how to grow plants indoors, amazing life lessons plants teach us, and much more.
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