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Reasons to grow locally

Reasons to grow locally

With the rise in diseases linked to poor diet, we are seeing an increase in health conscious consumers. The trend of growing food locally is gaining momentum...


At first glance, it’s easy to see the benefits of growing food locally, as close to home as possible. Local food tends to be full of flavor, free from pesticides and free from pollution caused by transportation. Local food can also be harvested when it is ready. Store bought produce is often harvested too early, simply because it needs to be transported for such a long distance. There is also a certain sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with growing food locally, knowing what has and what hasn’t been added to your plants.


Convenience or quality?

Habits, however, can hold us back at times. Many of us are used to buying our produce from the store and we simply continue in this fashion because it’s what we have always done. Indeed, there is a lot to be said for store bought produce in that it’s quick and convenient. Local fruit stands and farmers’ markets can be difficult to find in many areas. This is where Click & Grow’s mission comes to the forefront…

At Click & Grow, we believe everyone deserves to enjoy clean, fresh food and to thrive. In fact, we highly encourage local food production through the products we create. Our Smart Gardens 3 & 9 allow herbs and fruits to be grown indoors and organically. After your plants are harvested, you can immediately add them to your dishes or teas - from your Smart Garden straight to your plate or cup.

Our products cannot completely satisfy your daily intake needs for vegetables but this is a goal we are working towards. Our Smart Gardens do enable you to grow fresh, organic plants which make any meal that extra bit healthier.

How much should we grow locally?

The answer to this question will vary from consumer to consumer. For some, greens form a large part of their diet. For others, considerably fewer greens are consumed. It often comes down to our personal habits, philosophies and preferences. This also determines how much we need to grow locally in order to replace store-bought herbs and vegetables. If the end goal is for us to have the freshest, most organic food possible, perhaps we need to break the norm.

Beginning to grow food locally will require patience at first. After all, a garden needs to be set up and we need to get used to the pace of growing our own produce. The benefits, however, can be extremely worthwhile. Once the garden is set up, you can focus solely on growing and harvesting your plants, repeating the cycle. Smart Gardens are in fact designed to do the majority of the work for you. Perhaps the biggest benefit is knowing that the food you eat is fresh, organic and of the highest quality.


Be inspired

With every trend, there are always examples to be inspired by. Here are a few organisations that encourage others to grow locally:

The Organic Garden Company

Based in the UK, The Organic Garden Company raises awareness about the harmful effects of insecticides and chemical fertilisers. They believe that managing a garden organically will produce the most beautiful, colorful results.

Ask a Gardener

Friendly, inspiring and all online. ‘Ask a Gardener’ is Click & Grow’s very own forum, encouraging visitors to ask questions about gardening, growing locally and plant care. Our expert gardeners are always happy to share their knowledge and experience.

Metro Altanta Urban Farm

A certified naturally grown farm and community-driven organization. They provide training, education and support services for youth, adults and seniors interested in transforming their lives and communities through agriculture.

Compost Winnipeg

Compost Winnipeg is part of a non-profit, non-governmental organization promoting greener living. They do this through environmental education and by encouraging practical green solutions for homeowners, workplaces, schools and communities.

If you’ve always wanted to grow your own food locally, there’s no better time to start than now. We believe it’s one of the most health conscious decisions you could ever make. Who knows? Perhaps you’ll inspire others to do the same.

Head over to to learn more about our desire to make the most essential, fresh, vitamin-packed food available for everyone.

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