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#TryThisThursday: Avocado Pesto

#TryThisThursday: Avocado Pesto

We are starting a new initiative called #TryThisThursday and are sharing new recipes and tips and tricks that we find, often times ones that you guys share on social media, and sharing them on the blog for everyone to try! 

This week we are starting off with Avocado Pesto shared by @laurensvegcorner on Instagram who just got her Click & Grow indoor garden set up in February and is loving all of the fresh basil


1 cup of fresh basil

1/2 cup baby spinach

1/2 an avocado

2 Tbs nutritional yeast

and some salt and pepper


Blended that up in my food processor, adding water as needed, and it made ~2 servings.

Let us know if you try to make your own avocado pesto and how it turns out! Till next week #TryThisThursday.


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