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Autumn Houseplant Care: 4 Quick Tips

Autumn Houseplant Care: 4 Quick Tips

Even though the days are getting shorter and darker, you can inject some extra colour into your home by owning houseplants. As F. S. Fitzgerald once wrote - life begins again when it gets crisp in the fall.

Here are 4 quick tips for keeping your houseplants in good condition during autumn:

1. Consider room temperature

It’s natural to increase the temperature in our homes during the colder months but this doesn’t always benefit our houseplants. For instance, many houseplants enjoy humid conditions and turning the heating up can make the air considerably dry.

It’s always worth checking which type of climate your houseplants prefer. This information will help you recognise any signs of environmental stress in your plants (such as leaves curling at the ends and developing brown patches). It’ll also help you know whether to move your houseplants to warmer or cooler rooms, depending on their needs. 

2. Ensure plants receive enough light

As the season progresses, days become increasingly shorter, meaning houseplants are exposed to less natural light. This can be problematic because plants require light to perform photosynthesis. As before, it’s important to research your houseplants’ individual needs. If your houseplant requires more light than it’s currently receiving, try moving it to a windowsill that receives the most amount of sunlight during the daytime. 

Another option could be to invest in some grow lights. These are electric lamps that serve as an additional source of light to stimulate plant growth.

3. Consider additional supplements if necessary

It’s possible that your houseplants may require additional supplements during autumn. Supplements could help them receive all the nutrients they may not be getting from their environment. If you’re about to grow a plant from seed, consider using nutrient rich soil. Another option is to purchase a nutrient mix for indoor plants. Be careful not to flood your houseplants with supplements, though. Sometimes too much kindness can be harmful to plants.

4. Water plants less frequently

On the whole, houseplants require less frequent watering during autumn. This is because they’re likely receiving less light and growing at a slower pace. Unless your houseplant is particularly dry, it’s worth waiting slightly longer between waterings. Some houseplants (such as wax plant) may only need to be watered once a month. Check which of your plants require less water than others and plan accordingly.

Above all, enjoy this special time of year and the refreshing vibes that houseplants bring.

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Be sure to check out our blog for valuable features such as green living tips, ways to create sustainable homes, the importance of food safety, how to grow plants indoors, amazing life lessons plants teach us, and much more.

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