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Food Safety: 6 Reasons to Grow Your Own Food in an Indoor Garden

Food Safety: 6 Reasons to Grow Your Own Food in an Indoor Garden

Did you know that contaminated food can cause over 200 diseases? Furthermore, the World Health Organization reports an estimated 600 million people become sick each year after eating contaminated food, with 420,000 dying. Food safety remains a major problem facing our world and it needs our time and attention.

Here at Click & Grow, we believe you should have the chance to enjoy fresh, clean, healthy food, no matter where you live. That’s why we produce smart indoor gardens, enabling you to grow greens at home. Here are a just a few ways that growing food in a smart garden will help you enjoy safe and healthy diet:

1. Click & Grow plants grow in 100% clean soil

Smart soil is at the heart of our technology and we make sure it's 100% clean. Every smart soil batch is monitored and checked against 500 of the most commonly used chemicals in agriculture before producing plant pods. Produce grown in a smart garden is free from fungicides, pesticides, heavy metals, MSG, hormones, sodium nitrites, sulfites, trans fats and any other harmful substances that can be found in grocery store produce. Our plants also contain very low amounts of nitrate residuals. Even though nitrates are natural food components, their metabolites and the reactions they produce in the body have raised health concerns. Click & Grow lettuce contains 8 times less nitrates than lettuce available in many grocery stores. 

2. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your food is safe for your kids

Food safety issues can be especially alarming if you’re a parent or caregiver. You want your kids to enjoy the best of health and avoid the ‘dirty dozen’ (an annually-updated list of 12 fruits and vegetables said to have the most pesticides). You’ll never have to worry about pesticides when growing food in your smart garden. We also test our plant pods to ensure they don’t contain an excess of heavy trace metals. Sadly, the same cannot be said for supermarket produce.


3. No added salt

It can be very easy to exceed your recommended daily allowance for salt. Unfortunately, a lot of supermarket salads contain unhealthy amounts of salt. Click & Grow produce contains no added salt whatsoever. In fact, you can use your smart garden to grow fresh herbs that can be used as healthy alternatives to salt (such as plain parsley and curly parsley). 

4. Full control over how your food is handled

When growing food in a smart garden, you enjoy peace of mind knowing strangers have not touched your food. By growing your own edible plants it is unlikely that they will be contaminated (for example with E. coli.) Still, it’s a good old school precaution to wash your hands before handling any food. You also get to watch your plants grow from tiny seedlings into luscious greens. You can harvest the plants yourself and enjoy each bite knowing your food is 100% clean and fresh. It’s a real privilege to grow your own food at your own chosen location.

5. Enjoy food that does not come in BPA packaging

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic compound found in numerous plastics and canned food containers, associated with many health complications. You can enjoy growing with Click & Grow knowing that none of our products contain BPA. In fact, our packaging is now more sustainable than ever. 

6. Being self sustainable by growing your own edibles brings comfort

Having a stock of herbs and vegetables is another form of food safety, especially during uncertain times and lockdown periods. It brings peace of mind knowing you can grow vitamin-rich plants at home no matter what restrictions come into effect.

Enjoy a stress-free way to grow healthy, delicious plants 365 days a year

Get your smart indoor garden

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.
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